So its 2010!! And January marked my 29th birthday! AUGHH right!?! Well, at least that is how I feel inside. Just a frazzled mess! So instead of freaking out, I decided I would do something productive; 30 things I want to do before I am 30.
I mean, I have made lists, lists of goals of course. But when I look back on those lists, I realize that I had only accomplished a fraction of them. But this time however, it’s out there, out in the cyber world. A public evidence of my commitment, if you will. Hopefully now, I will hold myself more accountable to actually finish them this time. Ha.
So here it is! 30 things I want to do before I am 30!!
I mean, I have made lists, lists of goals of course. But when I look back on those lists, I realize that I had only accomplished a fraction of them. But this time however, it’s out there, out in the cyber world. A public evidence of my commitment, if you will. Hopefully now, I will hold myself more accountable to actually finish them this time. Ha.
So here it is! 30 things I want to do before I am 30!!
#1 Start a blog (just did….check! And that makes me very happy)
#2 Learn to play the guitar
#3 Drive across the country (who's in?)
#4 Invent/patent something (It can happen people!! One word....Snuggie (gag))
#5 Try 15 different ethnic cuisines (Such as finding some very authentic mom and pop shops)
#6 Write an appreciation card to all the people in my life that matter to me (if you really know me, you know that I just do-not do cards)
#7 Buy a new car!!! (One with a warranty please!? Thank you!)
#2 Learn to play the guitar
#3 Drive across the country (who's in?)
#4 Invent/patent something (It can happen people!! One word....Snuggie (gag))
#5 Try 15 different ethnic cuisines (Such as finding some very authentic mom and pop shops)
#6 Write an appreciation card to all the people in my life that matter to me (if you really know me, you know that I just do-not do cards)
#7 Buy a new car!!! (One with a warranty please!? Thank you!)
#8 Write a song
#9 Buy a Macbook! (Want, need, Covet!)
#10 Save Money in savings (Lets say…..2 grand… that not very much? Cause I feel like it’s a ton)
#11 Build something (Something wooden? a dresser? A chair maybe?)
#12 Take 4 new art classes that I have never taken before (Right now what interests me is Glass Blowing, Life sculpture, Low fire ceramics, and cake decorating….?)
#13 Ride in a hot air balloon
#14 Do 5 or more pull-ups
#15 Move (somewhere)
#16 Take Hot Yoga (I am finally opening my mind to yoga. Kinda excited)
#17 Become an Art teacher
#18 Throw a ceramic piece taller then me (it can be done, and it SHALL be done)
#19 Organize a charity event
#20 Land a jump snowboarding
#21 Host a boutique
#22 Paint 5 paintings
#23 Etsy business- Goal of $10,000 (I guess I betta get crackin-a-lackin!)(
#9 Buy a Macbook! (Want, need, Covet!)
#10 Save Money in savings (Lets say…..2 grand… that not very much? Cause I feel like it’s a ton)
#11 Build something (Something wooden? a dresser? A chair maybe?)
#12 Take 4 new art classes that I have never taken before (Right now what interests me is Glass Blowing, Life sculpture, Low fire ceramics, and cake decorating….?)
#13 Ride in a hot air balloon
#14 Do 5 or more pull-ups
#15 Move (somewhere)
#16 Take Hot Yoga (I am finally opening my mind to yoga. Kinda excited)
#17 Become an Art teacher
#18 Throw a ceramic piece taller then me (it can be done, and it SHALL be done)
#19 Organize a charity event
#20 Land a jump snowboarding
#21 Host a boutique
#22 Paint 5 paintings
#23 Etsy business- Goal of $10,000 (I guess I betta get crackin-a-lackin!)(
#24 Get my passport
#25 Milk a Cow… (odd one, I know, but I have just always wanted to. mmmk)
#26 Bungee Jump (Ok, I will be honest, I don’t really want to do this one, but for some reason I feel like I just need to)
#27 Volunteer somewhere once a week
#28 Write a book (Does a 5 page book count? I say, absolutely!)
#29 Learn how to break dance (I’ve got a couple of moves already! Believe it!)
#30 Join a hip hop crew (Just for kicks and giggles- and to prove that i still got it! ha ha)
#25 Milk a Cow… (odd one, I know, but I have just always wanted to. mmmk)
#26 Bungee Jump (Ok, I will be honest, I don’t really want to do this one, but for some reason I feel like I just need to)
#27 Volunteer somewhere once a week
#28 Write a book (Does a 5 page book count? I say, absolutely!)
#29 Learn how to break dance (I’ve got a couple of moves already! Believe it!)
#30 Join a hip hop crew (Just for kicks and giggles- and to prove that i still got it! ha ha)
So there it is.........follow me as I tackle these. I will keep it updated with the latest attempts and accomplishments. And maybe perhaps i may throw in a few things that encompass my mind on a daily basis. It shall be interesting!